Ask, and Merv shall answer!

  • That depends on a number of factors, and every student is looking for something different. Usually, I find that students sign up for 15 hours on average, sometimes more if you’re looking for something intensive or long-term, or have a lot of ground to cover, and fewer if you’re just signing up for a “refresher”.

  • As with anything else, that really depends on the student. I often find that 3 months is a “rule of thumb” average, but there’s no right or wrong answer. Some people cram (which I don’t recommend), others spend years getting ready (which is not ideal, either!) I’ll work with you to help develop a study plan and schedule that is effective for your specific needs.

  • We all do ; ) And let’s be honest: perfect scores are rare! They do happen occasionally, though, and what’s involved is a complete command of the fundamentals, excellent time management, careful reading of the questions, consistent practice, and zero careless mistakes!

  • Let’s be honest — tutoring/test prep services, whether offered by me or anyone else, are designed to help you achieve your own potential. But it can’t do the work for you! Ultimately, you’re the one doing the actual studying, and the practice, and taking the actual test! Tutoring is useful because it provides structure, consistency, mentorship, and an opportunity to better understand material that you may find challenging.

  • Classes are not being offered yet—but check back in a couple of months and that may well change! Details will be posted on the site, or contact me directly if you would like to discuss further.

  • Let’s be honest—anyone selling you “tips and tricks” as a route to perfection on these exams isn’t telling you the whole story. Yes, creative problem-solving can absolutely gain you a few points here and there, and strategy is important. But fundamentally, these tests all are concept-based — and those concepts can be learned and practiced. Put the work in, and there’s a great chance it will pay off.